CAPREIT and Pathways to Education – building a better future together for Canadian Youth

CAPREIT’s Building Futures Cause Committee along with the help and generosity of all CAPREIT employees is a strong supporter and fundraiser for Pathways to Education.
What is Pathways to Education?
The award-winning Pathways to Education Program is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty through education by providing support to high school students living in low-income communities across Canada with a holistic combination of academic, financial, social, and one-on-one support.
Find out more at:
What is Building Futures?

The Building Futures Committee’s goal is to ensure that every CAPREIT employee is aware of Pathways to Education. Members work to ensure that employees have all the information and resources they need to participate in fundraising activities and feel connected to this worthy cause.
CAPREIT’s Building Futures Committee is organized into three sections:
The Communications Committee
is responsible for sharing all messaging related to Building Futures to both internal and external stakeholders. They ensure all activities that are planned by the Fundraising and Engagement Committees are adequately communicated throughout the organization, before, during, and after the events.
The Fundraising Committee
is responsible for creating and implementing fundraising opportunities, as well as coordinating, receiving and keeping track of the funds raised all through the year.
The Engagement Committee
is responsible for acting on the fundraising and volunteering initiatives brought forward by Building Futures.
Building Futures - Campaigns and Results
Since its inception, the Committee has been actively engaging the employees of CAPREIT with fundraising activities aimed at this worthy cause. Some examples include:
Grade 9 Lunch
The purpose of this fundraiser was to ensure that new Grade 9 students entering the program had lunches for their orientation.
Each region and office were tasked with coming up with creative ways to fundraise and creativity and dedication was evident in the results.
The overall amount CAPREIT raised was $4864.76.
What a fantastic way to kick off the school year for these young students!
Virtual Backpack
Every kid needs the essentials to go back to school. As part of the Committee’s annual Back to School campaign for Pathways to Education, CAPREIT teams competed to raise funds to help buy vital school supplies for Pathways students. It was a friendly race to see who can donate the most virtual backpacks to Pathways to Education.
Teams were encouraged to see who can raise the most money and buy the most backpacks. Participation in this fundraiser was overwhelming right across the country!
In total, CAPREIT raised $28,829 for the Virtual Backpack Campaign!
Brick Campaign
This event was aimed at including not just CAPREIT employees but also our residents. The idea was to allow employees and residents purchase a ‘brick’ and have their name written on it to signify their invaluable contribution to the overall campaign. These ‘bricks’ were then displayed in our rental offices and regional offices.
In total $11,000 was raised from residents and employees.
The funds raised were a symbol of how as a company, community, country and individual we all can contribute to building a better future for the students of Pathways.
Success Stories
There are many success stories that highlight the difference Pathways (and organizations like CAPREIT) has made in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Check out this wonderful Thank-you video from Pathways Alumni
One of our employees, Jennifer Singco, contributed to many Pathways students successes by volunteering as a Pathways volunteer. Hearing the stories of Pathways students—their successes and the challenges they faced—immediately resonated with Jennifer, whose family had experienced similar struggles when she was young. She knew that every minute she spent with the students was a step in helping to bridge the gap between students and education.
Volunteering is also incredibly important for community growth. It makes a big difference to students to have access to volunteers in safe environments, like what Pathways offers, that help students feel welcomed and supported in their studies.
Pathways By the Numbers

How you can help
You can help #CloseTheGap and support youth across this country
Here’s how:
Donate online at
Your generosity provides vital funds to allow Pathways to operate across the country.
Check volunteer opportunities at
Discover even more ways to give:

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